Thursday, August 27, 2009 By: JMimie

Life Is a Battlefield

The word "LIFE" seems to be very attractive to me today. Either life is just borrowed from ABOVE or life is a journey...i have no doubt about these statements. Just to add another variation of the meaning of life, i believe life itself is also a battlefield.

Would you agree if I say...Whether we want it or not, we have no choice but to face life's daily battles - both within and without. All right, I guess most of you would be in tune with me here but how if I say...Unlike the ordinary battlefield, this one is not a place to find out who's the strongest against another fellow human beings, rather a place to test how much we care for one another?

How sad it is to see that many of us today think the other way around! It just not natural for us to love others more than ourselves or at least as we love ourselves. Love is easy when the other person is lovable but not an enemy! Love is easy when the other person is profitable and desirable to the visible eyes but not a disabled one!

Sometimes I wonder why most people care more for the outside rather than the inside. Many people forget that life is an opportunity to show kindness, not selfishness. That's why I call life as a battlefield because it's a battle in a sense that we are to war with our own selfishness in order to think and care more of others and less of ourselves.


Jusmijo said...

Mimie, Saya sedang berfikir apa jenis Pedang dan Perisai yang perlu digunakan. Hehehe... Benar belaka apa yang Mimie tuliskan itu.

Ada satu buku yang sangat menarik tentang Life. Penulis itu bilang " Life is a Test", " Life is a Trust" n " Life is a Temporary Assignment"

JMimie said...

Hi One...
Buku2 berkaitan life ni memang interesting...amat membuka minda.

Apalah kunun pedang dan perisai tu ahh?? hehe

Jusmijo said...

Apa ah.... saya sedang fikir ni...

Gaaman said...

Mimie sebenarnya telah menggunakan pedang dan perisai tsbt. Sbb tu la kemenangan(minda/dalaman) telah diraih dan mmberkati ratusan(mgkin jga ribuan) insan di sekelilingmu..

JMimie said...

Thanks Gaaman..satu pengiktirafan yg terlalu tinggi utk seorg biasa spt sya...masih byk yg perlu dipelajari ni...semoga hidup kita di dunia yg sementara ini sentiasa dapat menjadi berkat bagi semua orang di sekeliling kita.

jiwapendidik said...

Mimie, baru beberapa ari ini saya tengok2 blog itupun dorongon si Tom dan Nong..saya rasa percya tulisan mimie akan membantu ramai pembaca..ya itu peluang untuk memberikan perhatian kepada orang lain.

JMimie said...

hi jiwapendidik,

Selamat datang dan terima kasih di atas kunjungan sdr ke blog sya yg tidak seberapa ini. Terima kasih juga di atas penghargaan dan sokongan yg diberikan...saya sangat2 menghargainya. Selalu2 la melawat sya di sini kie..:D

God bless everyone.
