Thursday, March 5, 2009 By: JMimie

Get Back Up!

I'm back after being in silence for a while...hehe

So, what do you think I'm up to? Any idea? A lot of friends have been asking me where did I go for my 'suti-suti Malaysia'...well, the truth is I didn't go anywhere physically. It just a psychology vacation kind of thing that requires me to be in a 'shut down' mode for at least a couple of time to rejuvenate myself and get focused on what I really want to do in my life. It was a time to get still so that I could see and realize that many things in my life have fallen apart and need to be fixed. It was a reflection time to become conscious of my fallen nature and because of that it was also an urgent call for me to get back up lest I fall and die in despair.

Sometimes along the road of life, we fall down and we feel like we don't have the strength to get up. Hindrances, obstacles, unfavorable circumstances, hopelessness make us to think that we are totally trapped in a destined-cage that has no way out. Having those constraints around us , we think that it should be impossible for us to get back up. At such times, do you think you have hope? What should we do then when our case seems hopeless?

When it seems that it should be impossible for us to get back up, remember IT IS ACTUALLY NOT. Try and keep trying to get up. If we try to get up 100 times and we fail, don't give up. Giving up would never bring us on our legs again. If we fail, try again and again and again. It's not the end neither it's not how we start that matters most. It matters how we gonna finish. Are we gonna finish strong? And we will find the strength to get back up like we never know before.

There is always a way because God will make a way where there seems to be no way! Good luck everyone!


NONG said...

Hai..mimie,nice to see you.
nunu sorita? aku banar apaas mongurang putih diti yoku.Sundui karati saaabat kabarasan beti.hehe.alamas too.
Apa pun, saya sangat terharu dengan entry ko ni mimie.Saya cukup faham akan naluri mu yang paling dalam. Hanya keperkasaan 'tahap dewa' bilang c LtM Muss bo yang mampu dimiliki oleh individu seperti ko untuk bangkit dan terus bangkit. Not just want to really living means.
Kekuatan dari dalam jiwa ko akan mampu merungkai semua kesulitan ini dan saya yakin dan pasti ko BOLEH buat..Chayo mimie..:) we luv u.

IsOn said...

Welcome back my dear sister. ;)

JMimie said...

terima kasih dino komen nu. kada kokukuwa'ai ki mononggiris oku kabarasan siti blogku. palajakon i banar iti nunu2 it nelalaan.
Nai, madko ososodian oku mambasa dino komen nu;) alamas obo iti ginawo ku Nong.
Apapun, jatuh bangun adalah lumrah kehidupan yg harus kita hadapi dengan berani dan subai ko 'amu miongkok-ongkok'..potilombuson nopo banar nunu it notimpunan, koni oi..i luv u too!

Dear bro Ison..lots of thank and love for ur endless support! GBU

Little Mike (LM) said...

Kejayaan diukur bukan melalui PENCAPAIAN tetapi sejauh mana anda bangkit kembali setiap kali anda jatuh....

kebetulan words verification pun 'UNITE'... jadi saya tambah.. kesatuan juga faktor yang mengukuhkan semua catatan sejarah kebangkitan dalam setiap lembar kejatuhan kehidupan kita...

terima kasih kerana post entry yang begitu baik sekali


JMimie said...

Thanks LM...terus sya teringat kata pepatah "bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita roboh"..sejauh mana dan sekuat mana keteguhannya mampu bertahan dapat dilihat sejauh mana kesatuan itu tetap berkekalan, tetap berjalan dalam genggaman tangan yang sama hingga ke akhirnya meski melalui jatuh bangun kehidupan...


Mogoron said...

Pinsan mimie, insan oku noh nokosambat dika om elaan nu sera iri om siongo iri. Minsan ko pinsan-insan kito nga amu i insan kopitomumung. Nga mantad dit nasambatku ika diri, ondodomonku i ika. Iti noh ot borosku, mutunui it longon Yoh dot manarabang daton, somito tokow noh it longon Yoh dino.

JMimie said...

Pinsan Mogoron @ brother Otto,
Agayo ponorima kasih ku dika tu kakali ko i kosorow om kondom dogon. Madko koniab nogi kiobo ad pangandaman ku it tiya kinopisamabatan dito (thn 2000). Aku insan olingan mari iri ki. Minaan oku nogi dika owitai dot palas, pek milo, galas om waro po bala'ai..ogumu nogi majalah rohani nitaak nu dogon tiya diri..hehe..milom kokudik oku tiirak ong ososorow ku maka'a. Nokotigog oku banar obo tiya diri ri. Milom pobubujat pot tulun dot aku otutunan kumakap dogon..:) ikaw bala'ai iri it sasarok pirere'et dit tongo tobpene'e gulu ku dot nokoduktur no yalo ka..sumber inspirasi ko dagai supaya tumantu banar balajar..TERIMA KASIH! God bless us.
